How to Change My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

How to Change My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar. Snapchat introduced new AI chatbot, My AI, offers users the ability to customize its appearance to resemble a male or female. To change your chatbot's gender, start by opening the Snapchat app and navigating to your profile. Tap on the "Customize" button and select "Avatar." You'll then be presented with two circles representing different gender options. Choose the circle that aligns with your desired gender presentation, and feel free to further personalize your chatbot's hair, skin, and clothing. Remember, the chosen gender doesn't affect how Snapchat AI interacts with you; it's simply a way to make your chatbot reflect your style and identity. If you want to dive deeper into exploring Snapchat AI and pushing its limits, you can check out this article on how to mess with Snapchat AI for nine tips on confusing and challenging the chatbot.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

Understanding Snapchat AI Gender

Snapchat AI allows users to customize their chatbot's appearance to resemble either a male or a female. By accessing the profile settings in the Snapchat app, users can tap on the "Customize" button and select "Avatar" to modify their chatbot's gender. Two circles with different facial features are presented, with the top circle representing a more feminine appearance and the bottom circle representing a more masculine appearance. Users can select the circle that aligns with their desired gender presentation and further personalize their chatbot's hair, skin, and clothing. It is important to note that while Snapchat AI does not possess a gender in the traditional sense, it offers users the opportunity to create a customized representation that resonates with them.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

The gender customization feature in Snapchat AI is independent of a user's Snapchat username or any other personal information. Users have the freedom to change their chatbot's gender at any time, and the chosen gender does not impact the way Snapchat AI interacts with them. Instead, Snapchat AI gender simply serves as a means to personalize the chatbot's appearance and make it resemble the user more closely.

Why Change the Snapchat AI Gender?

Here are a few reasons why changing the gender of your Snapchat AI chatbot:

  • Personal preference: Some individuals may prefer to have a chatbot that resembles them or someone they can relate to. For instance, a user may opt for a female chatbot if they themselves identify as female, or a male chatbot if they identify as male.
  • Reflecting personality: Your chatbot's gender can serve as a reflection of your personality. A playful and outgoing person might choose a female chatbot, while a serious and thoughtful individual might opt for a male chatbot.
  • Matching interests: If you have specific interests, such as fashion or sports, you might want to select a chatbot that aligns with those interests. For example, a fashion enthusiast might choose a female chatbot with a stylish outfit, while a sports fan might prefer a male chatbot donning a sports jersey.


Step-by-Step Guide to Changing My AI Gender on Snapchat and Customize the Avatar

So, you're ready to dive into the world of Snapchat AI gender and transform your appearance? Let's walk through the step-by-step process to change the gender and customize your Snapchat AI avatar.

1. Open up Snapchat and head to your Friendship Profile with My AI. This is where all your AI's chat history and preferences are stored. Think of it as your AI's cozy digital home.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

2. Once you're in the Friendship Profile, keep an eye out for the "Customize" button. It should be easily visible, beckoning you to explore the customization options available for your AI.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

3. Now, tap on the "Avatar" button, and voila! You'll find yourself in the exciting AI customization screen. This is where the magic happens.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

4. Take a moment to soak it all in. On this screen, you'll see two circles showcasing your AI's face. The circle on top represents femininity, while the circle below symbolizes masculinity. It's like having a choice between two paths, each leading to a different version of your AI.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

5. To change your AI's gender, simply tap the circle that aligns with your preference. Are you in the mood for a more feminine vibe? Tap the top circle. Craving a dash of masculinity? Give that bottom circle a gentle tap.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

Now, let's take it a step further. Once you've selected the desired gender, it's time to customize your AI's appearance to truly make it your own. Snapchat offers a range of options to tweak your AI's hairstyle, clothes, and even body type. Explore the possibilities and choose the ones that resonate with your personal style and preferences. You're the artist, and your AI is the canvas.

6. Oh, and did we mention you can also change your AI's name? It's a breeze! Simply tap on the "Name" field on the customization screen, and type in the name you desire. Your AI will gladly adopt its new identity.

How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

7. But wait, there's more! You can add an extra touch of personalization by customizing the background of your AI's avatar. How cool is that? Just tap the "Background" field, and explore the diverse range of backgrounds available. Find the one that captures your aesthetic and makes your AI's profile visually stunning.


How to Change  My AI Chatbot Gender on Snapchat and Styling the Avatar

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, things don't go as smoothly as we'd like. If you encounter any issues while changing the Snapchat AI gender filter, don't panic! Here are some common problems and how to troubleshoot them:

  • My AI Gender is not saving after I change it: It can be frustrating when your desired AI gender doesn't seem to stick. First, ensure that you're saving your changes by tapping the "Save" button located in the top right corner of the screen. It's a small but essential step. If you're still facing difficulties, try restarting your Snapchat app. Sometimes, a quick refresh can do wonders and get your AI gender changes to save successfully.
  • My AI Gender is not showing up correctly: If your AI Gender isn't displaying correctly, it might be time to check for updates. Make sure you have the latest version of the Snapchat app installed on your device. Updating the app can resolve compatibility issues and ensure smooth functioning. If you've updated and the problem persists, try restarting your device. This can help refresh the system and ensure that your AI gender appears as intended.
  • I am not able to change my AI Gender: If you find yourself unable to change your AI gender, there could be a specific reason behind it. Snapchat has age restrictions in place, and if you're under the age of 13, you won't be able to modify your AI gender. However, fear not! You can still enjoy using Snapchat My AI, but your gender will be set to "Male" or "Female" based on your Snapchat username.



Changing the gender of your My AI chatbot on Snapchat is a simple and enjoyable process. By following a few steps, you can customize your chatbot's appearance to align with your personal preferences and identity. This includes selecting a gender representation and further personalizing chatbot features such as hair, skin, and clothing. It allows you to express your individuality and create a chatbot that is unique. Remember to embrace your creativity, have fun, and share your customized creation with others.

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